Reciprocating Engine Array in PJM
Tangibl originated and raised development funding for a series of small gas-fired generation projects in the shale-gas regions of PJM.
Tangibl originated and raised development funding for a series of small gas-fired generation projects in the shale-gas regions of PJM.
Case Study | Rates Consulting PREPARATION OF A COMPLETE BASE RATE CASE AND MERGER FILING Tangibl prepared and supported a complete base rate case for three small, affiliated electric utilities …
Case Study | Utility Engineering & Consulting METAL-CLAD SWITCHGEAR INSTALLATION AND CIRCUIT REARRANGEMENT Tangibl was requested by a client, a transmission owner in the PJM Interconnection, to provide detailed design …
During final preparations for the holiday season late in the afternoon of Friday December 23, my daughter (who had an internship at PJM Interconnection a few years ago while in …
Silicon Power Corporation (Silicon Power) and Tangibl Group, Inc. (Tangibl) have partnered to develop engineered-system solutions for facilities that value high levels of power quality and continuity. As onshoring and …
For much of the 21st century, load growth has been flat – or in some periods – slightly negative. Load forecasts in regions such as PJM tended to overshoot reality …
RECIPROCATING ENGINE ARRAY IN PJM For years, solar facilities have been eligible for an investment tax credit (ITC) of 30%. However, tax credits for standalone storage were not available to …