The Tangibl Utility Rates Consulting Team has decades of experience in utility ratemaking, the FERC Uniform System of Accounts, cost of service, depreciation, cost of capital, and reactive power, including study and rate case preparation, rate analysis, defense, and testimony.
Additionally, members of our team possess management and project development experience that covers a wide range of functional areas. As we do with all our professional services, Tangibl creates value for our clients through timely and cost effective performance.
Our Rates & Depreciation group has developed and managed property records for gas and water utilities, prepared full rate cases for electric, gas, water and wastewater utilities, performed depreciation studies for electric, gas, water, wastewater and railroads, reviewed and assisted with electric transmission tariff and filed numerous reactive power compensation applications for solar, wind, and conventional generators.
We leverage our unique combination of experience with cost of service ratemaking, depreciation, and project development to provide superior service to our client base.
Wade Horigan, Principal
Tangibl prepared a depreciation study for a new 500kV transmission line in the mid-Atlantic region. The study involved assembly of estimated construction costs, assignment of the cost to the appropriate FERC accounts, estimation of services lives and net salvage percentages to be used in developing the depreciation rates and calculation of the depreciation rates. A report was prepared which presented the methodology used and the study results. Direct testimony was prepared and submitted to the FERC as a part of the Company’s rate approval process.
Tangibl prepared and supported a complete base rate case for three small, affiliated electric utilities in the mid-Atlantic region. The assignment involved preparation of all minimum filing requirements (MFRs) revised tariff sheets, customer notices and testimony before the regulatory commission. As part of the filing requirements Tangibl prepared a fully allocated cost of service study, a lead / lag study, support for the company’s cost of capital, support for the proposed merger of three utilities and two other affiliated companies into one entity, and documentation supporting the utility’s request for emergency rate relief.
If you have a project that you believe is a good fit for our capabilities, please contact us. We can schedule an exploratory conversation to better understand your needs and together determine how best to serve you.