Case Study | Power Regulatory Services

PJM Regulatory Affairs & Interconnection Support Services

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Tangibl has extensive experience and expertise providing regulatory affairs and commercial support services in several ISO/RTOs across North America, with specific expertise and depth of experience in PJM Interconnection (PJM). Our regulatory services include the monitoring of all relevant ISO/RTO committees and working groups, serving as a client’s ISO/RTO stakeholder representative, advocating for clients on specific issues when requested, and supporting client relationship with ISO/RTO organizations and other ISO/RTO stakeholders. For example, Tangibl closely follows and actively participates in current PJM stakeholder discussions on capacity market reform, potential energy market enhancements, and the interconnection process reform changes that were recently approved by FERC. Also, Tangibl will complete specific regulatory research projects upon request and follow relevant FERC regulatory matters as they apply to client needs and interests.

In addition to the relevant regulatory issues, interconnecting to the grid is never a simple matter, and as renewables, natural gas and energy storage become more prevalent, the rules have become more complex. Commercial savvy as well as technical smarts are required to get things done in the face of administratively challenging procedures that are often subject to interpretation. Tangibl has extensive experience and expertise providing interconnection support services in several ISO/RTOs across North America, especially in PJM. Tangibl’s interconnection support services include performing network analyses ahead of project queue submission to help optimize project site location, performing and assisting with all aspects of project queue submission, review, and analysis of all study reports, and working with ISO/RTOs and Transmission Owners on all issues that arise during the study process through execution of an interconnection agreement. Tangibl can also provide in-depth transmission analyses on an ad-hoc basis as well.

Learn more about how to manage the ISO/RTO regulatory and interconnection queue processes to keep your operating assets and interconnection queue projects on track by contacting us.