Case Study | Utility Engineering & Consulting


Tangibl was requested by a client, a transmission owner in the PJM Interconnection, to provide detailed design services for a circuit rearrangement project at a 69-13kV distribution substation. The substation had twelve (12) 13kV distribution circuits, many of which were over fifty years old. The circuits were powered by indoor metal-clad switchgear in the control house, along with a relatively recent outdoor walk-in metal-clad switchgear assembly, all supplied by three different 69-13kV transformers. The project involved relocating these circuits from the existing switchgear to three new outdoor walk-in metal-clad switchgear assemblies.

To achieve this circuit rearrangement, an existing structure that supported a former 34.5kV outdoor substation had to be dismantled. The affected area of the substation needed to be re-graded and cleared to accommodate the new switchgear. Additionally, provisions were made to support new conduit exits from the switchgear, which led to either new or existing manholes. Due to the scope of the physical work, a permit from the suburban county where the substation is located was required. Tangibl prepared the necessary surveying, permitting drawings, and forms, which the client submitted to the county for approval.

The circuit rearrangement had a significant impact on the outside-plant infrastructure of the client. Tangibl was tasked with designing the relocation of the outgoing circuits, including the redesign of conduits, manholes inside and outside the substation fence, and new or reconfigured terminal poles and cable risers. As the client manages inside and outside plant through separate organizations, Tangibl worked closely with both teams to ensure the completion of both sets of design deliverables, facilitating the seamless execution of the project.

Through this circuit rearrangement project, Tangibl successfully provided a comprehensive and efficient solution that met the client’s operational needs while adhering to regulatory requirements.