Case Study | Utility Engineering & Consulting

13.2kV Distribution Design - Underground

Electric substation

Tangibl completed a set of design packages for rearrangement of underground distribution circuits. The work was associated with a new substation installation located in one of the largest cities in the U.S.

The client utility’s new substation provides load relief at another substation in the city. Furthermore, ungrounded three-phase, three-wire 13.2kV distribution circuits fed from another older substation associated with a riverfront generating station were upgraded to three-phase, four-wire grounded 13.2kV. Our work involved creating design packages for utility and contract construction crews, as well as planning using the client’s work management system.

In addition to providing design documents, we were charged with resolving conflicts with other utilities and obtaining various permits from the city. Manhole inspections were required to verify the feasibility of the proposed circuit changes and routings. The project was complicated by older infrastructure in the city, the presence of two-phase, five-wire “Scott” connected load, and the requirement for aerial construction on the fringes of the center-city area. All planning tasks required for the work, including material requests, clearance (blocking/tagging) requests and permit requests were performed at Tangibl’s main office, with remote access to the client’s work management system.

Drawing deliverables were provided both on paper and electronically in the client’s CAD format. Drawings were presented in packages sorted by task group, with color codes for maximum clarity. On occasion, field conditions outside of manholes were found at variance with maps and records. Tangibl worked with contractors on site to devise alternatives to design details and still maintain construction schedules. All work was completed safely in the field.

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