Carolyn Grigsby

Operations manager

ABOUT Carolyn Grigsby

Carolyn S. Grigsby is the Operations Manager at Tangibl Group, Inc. In this position, she is responsible for information technology, human resources, and support of certain administrative and financial/accounting activities.

Ms. Grigsby’s background crosses a wide variety of industries and roles, ranging from Systems Analyst at Bentley Systems, which provides computer-aided design software for infrastructure industries to data management for
biotechnology company Centocor. Her experience includes contract management, human resources, and information technology roles at a variety of small, medium, and large enterprises. Ms. Grigsby’s experience in health care, training as a nurse, and practical experience using information technology bring a unique perspective to oversight of daily, weekly, and monthly operations at Tangibl.

Ms. Grigsby holds an LPN from the Princeton Information Technology Center, with Highest Academic Honors and is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
